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PNI SpacePoint游戏手柄应用文档

SpacePoint Fusion Game Pad Application Note r1SpacePoint Fusion Game Pad Application Note
PNIs SpacePoint Fusion module streams raw accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer data, as well as calculated orientation information represented as quaternions, through a USB/HID interface. No custom drivers are needed. This application note describes the data streaming from the SpacePoint Fusion module, explains how to use the SpacePoint Game Pad application to display or log sensor and calculated quaternion data, and provides sample source code for the SpacePoint Game Pad application. You may want to skip ahead to the “Running SpacePoint Game Pad” section if you simply want to begin logging SpacePoint Fusion data.

Interpreting SpacePoint Fusion’s Streaming Output
SpacePoint Fusion is a USB composite device with two interfaces.
标签: SpacePointFusionApplication
PNI SpacePoint游戏手柄应用文档
