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EEPW首页>百科> dc-dsp


贡献者:sdjntl浏览:3751次 创建时间:2010-04-26

  一个强大的开源dsp音效插件。是一个directshow filter的封装,可以在directshow中很方便的使用。
  Main Feautures
  A Dynamic Filter list that allows to use as much DSP Filters as needed Multiple Instances are possible Can export Visualazation and PCM Data to any Application (see Sample Apps in the source\samples Directory) Supports up to 10 Channels Most Filters can be configured to do seperate DSP on each Channel Each combination of Filters can be saved into a Preset Winamp2 DSP and Visual Plugin Support Audiotrack delaying through Timestamps changing Bitrate Conversion Stream Switching through IAMStreamSelect with Matroska, OGM and AVI Language Detection. Supports different MediaTypes on each Pin. Works in WMP9 and WMP10. Trayicon.
  DSP Filters
  Amplification Band Pass Channel Reordering Compressor Down Mix Dynamic Amplification Echo/Delay 10 Band Equalizer with Presets (Load/Save) Flanger High Pass Low Pass Notch Parametric Equalizer Phase Invert Phaser Pitch Scale Pitch Shift Sound 3D (2 Channels only) Tempo Treble Enhancer True Bass
  MS DMO Filters
  DMO Chorus DMO Compressor DMO Distortion DMO Echo DMO Flanger DMO Gargle DMO I3DL2 Reverb DMO Param EQ DMO Waves Reverb

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