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电路设计->电源电路图->开关稳压电源电路图->12V转220V的逆变器-----12V Battery to 220V Power Inverter

12V转220V的逆变器-----12V Battery to 220V Power Inverter

作者:dolphin 时间:2012-11-22

A power inverter converts DC power or direct current to standard AC power or alternating current. The following schematic shows a 12V power inverter Circuit Diagram.

power inverter Circuit Parts List:

R1 ___ 27 KOhm
R2 ___ 27 KOhm
R3 ___ 330 Ohm
R4 ___ 330 Ohm
R5 ___ 330 Ohm
R7 ___ 22 Ohm
R8 ___ 22 Ohm

D1 ___ 1N5401
D2 ___ 1N5401

C1 ___ 470 nF
C2 ___ 470 nF

T1 ___ BC547B
T2 ___ BC547B
T3 ___ BD680
T4 ___ BD680
T5 ___ 2N3055
T6 ___ 2N3055


