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电路设计->基础电路图->其他基础电路图->MAX1441应用电路和USB JTAG接口连接电路

MAX1441应用电路和USB JTAG接口连接电路

作者:dolphin 时间:2012-07-31

MAX1441应用电路和USB JTAG接口连接电路

shows an application circuit with the connections between the MAX1441 and the JTAG interface on a MAXQUSBJTAG-KIT board. Please note that in this schematic, pullup resistors which are required on the JTAG lines are part of the application circuit. Typically, pullup resistors are part of the test system and there is no need for duplication on the application board.Figure 1. JTAG interface connections between a MAX1441 application circuit and the MAXQUSBJTAG-KIT board.

