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电路设计->基础电路图->其他基础电路图->RT9373A应用电路 (3通道电荷泵白光LED低压降电流源

RT9373A应用电路 (3通道电荷泵白光LED低压降电流源

作者:dolphin 时间:2012-07-31

RT9373A应用电路 (3通道电荷泵白光LED低压降电流源驱动器)

The RT9373A is a high efficiency and cost effective charge pump white LED driver. It supports up to 3 white LEDs with regulated constant current for uniform intensity. The RT9373A maintains the highest efficiency by utilizing a x1/x1.5/x2 charge pump and low dropout current regulators.

Figure 1. For 3-WLEDs Application Circuit

Figure 2. For 2-WLEDs Application Circuit

RT9373 PDF datasheetRT9373A pdf datasheet

