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电路设计->医疗保健电路图->医疗电子电路图->Microchip MTCH6303八吋电容触摸屏控制方案

Microchip MTCH6303八吋电容触摸屏控制方案

作者:angelazhang 时间:2015-08-06


Microchip’s MTCH6303 is an innovative turnkey projected capacitive touch controller that provides multi-touch coordinatesas well as a readymade multi-finger surface gesture suite. MTCH6303 brings modern user interface (UI) elements – such aspinch and zoom, multi-finger scrolling, and swipes – to any embedded design, with minimal host requirements.

The MTCH6303’s advanced signal processing provides noise-avoidance techniques and predictive tracking for tenfingers, typically at 100 Hz each for five touches. It also combines with Microchip’s MTCH652 High-voltage Line Driverto achieve a superior signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for outstanding touch performance in noisy environments. These capabilities are critical in demanding environments such as industrial controls,home and office automation with security control panels, thermostat, printers and lighting controls, and variousconsumer applications including exercise equipment and audio systems.


• Multi-Touch up to Ten Touches
• Five Touches Typically at 100 Hz+ Each
• 27RX x 19TX Channels Support Approximately 8"Touch Screens (larger possible)
• Combines with MTCH652 High-Voltage Driver forSuperior Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)
• Integrated Single and Multi-finger GestureRecognition Suite including Taps, Swipes,Scrolling, Pinching and Zooming
• Advanced Processing Provides Noise AvoidanceTechniques
• USB and I2C™ Communication
• Supports 3D Gestures up to 20 cm whenCombined with the MGC3130 GestIC® Controller
Power Management
• 27RX 19TX Sensor
- 27 mA full-scan rate
- 1 mA reduced-scan rate


• Touch screen designs and touch pads that requirecost effective, easy to integrate, fast time tomarket PCAP touch solutions
• Perfect for touch screens over displays, controlpanels, keypads and many other input devices
• Targeting the industrial, medical, home and officeautomation, and consumer markets




MTCH6303 Multi-touch Projected Capacitive Touch Screen Development Kit
Microchip’s Multi-touch Projected Capacitive Touch Screen Development Kit enablesthe creation of advanced touch interface solutions using MTCH6303 with up to 18Vboost via the MTCH652 device.

The MTCH6303 solution brings advanced features, including noise robustness, largersensor size support up to 8", faster scanning speeds and the ability to combine with the high-voltage driver, MTCH652, to achieve superior signal to noise ratio. Thesecapabilities enable a wider range of designs, including transparent touch screens overdisplays with advanced multi-touch gestures for a rich user interface.


• Touch screen controller board with MTCH6303 and MTCH652 high-voltage driver
• 8" indium tin oxide (ITO) projected capacitive touch screen
• Micro USB cable

Microchip’s Multi-touch Projected Capacitive Touch Screen Development Kit enables the creation of advanced touch interface solutions using MTCH6303 with up to 18V boost via the MTCH652.

The MTCH6303 solution brings advanced features including noise robustness, larger sensor size support up to 8", faster scanning speeds and the ability to combine with the high voltage driver, MTCH652, to achieve superior signal to noise ratio. These capabilities enable a wider range of designs including transparent touch screens over displays with advanced multi-touch gestures for a rich user interface.



Multi-Touch up to 10 touches
5 touches typically at 100Hz+ each
27RX x 19TX channels support, approximately 8” touch screens (larger possible)
Combines with MTCH652 high voltage driver for superior signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
Integrated single and multi-finger gesture recognition suite including taps, swipes, scrolling and pinching and zooming
Advanced DSP processing provides noise avoidance techniques
USB & I2C communication
Supports 3D gestures up to 20cm when combined with the MGC3130 GestIC® controller


Touch screen designs that need cost effective, easy to integrate, fast time to market PCap touch solutions
Perfect for, touch screens over displays, control panels, keypads, and many other input devices
Targeting the Industrial, Medical, Home & Office Automation, and Consumer markets among others


图5。EpicIO 8" 触摸屏(PN:TXP080B002)外形尺寸图

DV102013 Quick Start Guide.pdf

