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banana pi BPI-M2 四核开源单板计算机

2014-12-05 14:38 1楼

Banana PI M2 is the open source hardware platform,Banana PI M2 isan quad core version of Banana Pi,Banana PI M2 is the quad core more better than the Banana Pi M1,it support WIFI onboard.

Banana Pi M2 series run Android,Debian linux,Ubuntu linux, Raspberry Pi imange and others imange.

Elastos coordinate multi CUP to from the family cloud entirnment which based on the “software/hardware service”

Banana PI hardware: 1Ghz ARM7 quad-core processor, 1GB DDR3 SDRAM,

Banana PI with Gigabit ethernet port, It can run with Android 4.4 smoothly. The size of Banana PI M2 same as banana pi M1, it can easily run with the game it support 1080P high definition video output, the GPIO compatible with Raspberry Pi B+ and can run the ROM Image

Note: Banana Pi M2 not support sata port, so you need use USB for hardisk

2014-12-21 22:26 2楼
2015-02-02 15:16 3楼
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