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2005-03-28 19:11  1楼


------ Build Release variant ------ Information: "D:\44b0x\ucosii_for 44b0\SW44B0.apj"; Executing 'Link' because 'EuCos.axf' is older than 'Project Variables' armlink -o D:\44b0x\ucosii_for 44b0\Release\EuCos.axf D:\44b0x\ucosii_for 44b0\Release\44binit.o D:\44b0x\ucosii_for 44b0\Release\44blib.o D:\44b0x\ucosii_for 44b0\Release\OS_CPU_C.o D:\44b0x\ucosii_for 44b0\Release\OS_CPU_A.o D:\44b0x\ucosii_for 44b0\Release\ucos_ii.o D:\44b0x\ucosii_for 44b0\Release\MAIN.o armlink... code inline inline 'const' RW 0-Init debug armlink... size data strings data data data data armlink... Object totals 17892 1268 68 436 3212 7508 840 armlink... Library totals 18324 2768 440 148 644 80 1200 armlink... Grand totals 36216 4036 508 584 3856 7588 2040 armlink... Debug Area Optimization Statistics armlink... Input debug total(excluding low level debug areas) 2056 (2.01Kb) armlink... Output debug total 2040 (1.99Kb) armlink... % reduction 0.78% Information: "D:\44b0x\ucosii_for 44b0\SW44B0.apj"; Executing 'RomImage' because 'system.bin' doesn't exist yet fromelf -nozeropad D:\44b0x\ucosii_for 44b0\Release\EuCos.axf -bin D:\44b0x\ucosii_for 44b0\Release\system.bin Error: Missing output format before 'D:\44b0x\ucosii_for'. Fromelf Version 1.00 (ARM Ltd SDT2.50) [Build number 80] ARM Executable ELF file translator fromelf [options] input_file_name { [ output_format [output_file_name] ] }* Options: -h display this help screen -nodebug do not put debug areas in the output image -nozeropad do not expand ZI areas (only valid for binary images) Binary Output Formats: -bin Plain Binary -m32 Motorola 32 bit Hex -i32 Intel 32 bit Hex -ihf Intellec Hex Other Output Formats: -aif Executable AIF -aifbin Non Executable AIF -elf ELF -text Text Information Flags for Text Information /v verbose /c disassemble code /d print contents of data section /g print debug tables /r print relocation information /s print symbol table /t print string table If an output file is not specified for -text, output is printed on stdout. Examples: fromelf infile -text/cgsv out.txt fromelf -nodebug infile -aif out1.axf -text -m32 out2.axf Error: "D:\44b0x\ucosii_for 44b0\SW44B0.apj"; Bad return code (0x1) from 'fromelf' Error: "D:\44b0x\ucosii_for 44b0\SW44B0.apj"; Could not bring system.bin up to date 0 Warnings, 3 Errors


2005-05-13 02:13  2楼


共2条 1/1 1 跳转至


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