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A question of SNMP and MIB..........

2005-10-14 01:01 1楼

I use WindManage to develop SNMP

I have built my private MIB, such as "test.mib" file.

And i have include it into WindManage.

I can see it in WindManage IDE, but i can not see it in MIB browser.

WindManage has built windmarks vars of "test.mib" automatically.


Or i miss other steps?

Or i need to write code?

And how i get information form Vxworks to the private MIB OID?

My scope are as follows:

1.it can show the private MIB tree in MIB browser.

2.it can show the values in private MIB tree in MIB browser, such as IP address.

(How can i get the MIB OID values from Vxworks?)

I hope somebody can help me...........thanks a lot.

2005-10-17 07:48 2楼

MIB OID is global variable, you must buy it. And if you want to see the oid in mib brower, u must add the mib in the mib browser.

2005-10-17 16:50 3楼

Thank you for your reply.

I just try to build private MIB for testing and i also put my private MIB in MIB browser.

Now, i am working hard to trace source code and study windmanager MIBway IDE to know how

to get the device values form hardware and shows the values and OID in MIB browser.

I hope i can get something in there.

2005-10-17 20:41 4楼
Just put breakpoint into you get/set function, you can trace the windmanage snmp. According my pinion, the windmanage supplies the source code.
2005-10-18 00:41 5楼

Thank you for your reply.
I think my problem is not at MIB browser.

I describe my working steps to you......

1.I use MIB complier (MG-SOFT) to build my private MIB------>success.

2.Then i use wind manage to load my private MIB into my image file------->success.

3.I can see MIB tree (MIB2+private MIB) in wind manage MIBway IDE.

4.I put private MIB into MG-SOFT.

5.I use MIB browser(MG-SOFT) to connect my device.

6.Then i use SNMP walk to trace all MIB tree.

7.It can only see and get the MIB2 tree and values, but my private MIB can not show on the screen----->failure.

Today i study and trace the source code, i think i do not implement the private MIB agent for SNMP........now i keeps tracking hardly.

Or you have another opinions..........

I would very glad to listen to you.

2005-10-18 01:39 6楼

Do you generate the leaf and mib C file using mibcomp in WindManage ?

If you did this, you should also realize the function of you mib just as the get/set!

And then add you leaf/mib C file into you project.

2005-10-18 22:27 7楼

Today i have read Wind manage SNMP tutorial Doc.

And i follow the steps of this Doc(writting your own MIB).

I have build mib.c and leaf.h and stub.c and skel.h

and do some modifications which is descrided in Doc.

Complier is OK.

But when i use MIB browser to view my MIB tree.

It can not connect my device, Why? (It can connect my device,before.....)

community string read/write default is set as "public/private", it always show the "TIMEOUT" message.

And i can not view my MIB tree, Why?

2005-10-18 23:09 8楼

I have solved this problem.....

I remove the API function( initStartSnmp( ) ) from usrAppInit.c

It can connect to my device,already.

But i still can not see my private MIB tree in my MIB browser (MG-Soft).


I have bilut my private MIB and port image to device.

And i also modify and implement the agent program (tutEx_getproc,tutEx_setproc,tutEx_nextproc,tutEx_testproc )

and assign the init values to my private MIB.

2005-10-21 03:16 9楼

After i download the latest documents, but it still has some errors.

I modify the makefile.cfg in scr/wrn/wm/snmp/vxagent(document has some errors).

Finally, i succeed.

I can see the private MIB tree in MIB browser.

The problems is in the steps of makefile and makefile.cfg.

Now, i will try to trace and research agent code.

Then i will want to implement my private MIB agent.

And i also want to thank for these people that have some opinions to me.

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