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uClinux-20030305 for ARM7-S3C4510 patch.

2003-05-26 19:14 1楼
找了点时间,为uClinux-dist-200305做了个patch,针对开发板的,也适用于SNDS100. 1. 解决了使用16Mbyte RAM的问题 2. 增加了一个 2Mbyte RAM Disk ? ->/ramdisk usage: cp dailzh.patch /home/uClinux-dist patch -p1 < dailzh.patch chmod 777 mkuclinux ./mkuclinux(一堆命令的组合) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 这个版本的boa可以使用,下载image.ram以后,可以用浏览器访问http:// 有个问题就是tftp,我只向 /ramdisk成功地下载了一次,然后就再也不能用了,总报错。 哪位有时间把这个问题解决了请贴出来。
2003-05-26 19:28 2楼
附件传不上去。到网站上下载patch,随时更新。 编译完的image.ram: http://www.dailzh.com/MyDatas/IMAGE.RAM
2003-05-26 20:43 3楼
uClinux-dist-20030522启动信息: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Linux version 2.4.20-uc0 (root@dailzh) (gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release)(ColdFire patches - 20010318 from http://fiddes.net/coldfire/) (uClinux XIP and shared lib patches from http://www.snapgear.com/)) #1 一 5月 19 23:44:11 CST 2003 Processor: Samsung S3C4510B revision 6 Architecture: SNDS100 On node 0 totalpages: 4096 zone(0): 0 pages. zone(1): 4096 pages. zone(2): 0 pages. Kernel command line: root=/dev/rom0 Calibrating delay loop... 49.76 BogoMIPS Memory: 16MB = 16MB total Memory: 14636KB available (1321K code, 163K data, 40K init) Dentry cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) Inode cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) Buffer-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) Page-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4 Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039 Initializing RT netlink socket Starting kswapd Samsung S3C4510 Serial driver version 0.9 (2001-12-27) with no serial options en abled ttyS00 at 0x3ffd000 (irq = 5) is a S3C4510B ttyS01 at 0x3ffe000 (irq = 7) is a S3C4510B Blkmem copyright 1998,1999 D. Jeff Dionne Blkmem copyright 1998 Kenneth Albanowski Blkmem 1 disk images: 0: BE4B8-15C4B7 [VIRTUAL BE4B8-15C4B7] (RO) RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 1024K size 1024 blocksize Samsung S3C4510 Ethernet driver version 0.1 (2002-02-20) eth0: 00:40:95:36:35:34 NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0 IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP IP: routing cache hash table of 512 buckets, 4Kbytes TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024) VFS: Mounted root (romfs filesystem) readonly. Freeing init memory: 40K Shell invoked to run file: /etc/rc Command: hostname Samsung Command: /bin/expand /etc/ramfs.img /dev/ram0 Command: /bin/expand /etc/ramfs2048.img /dev/ram1 Command: mount -t proc proc /proc Command: mount -t ext2 /dev/ram0 /var Command: mount -t ext2 /dev/ram1 /ramdisk Command: chmod 777 /ramdisk Command: mkdir /var/config Command: mkdir /var/tmp Command: mkdir /var/log Command: mkdir /var/run Command: mkdir /var/lock Command: ifconfig lo Command: route add -net netmask lo Command: ifconfig eth0 netmask up Command: cat /etc/motd Welcome to ____ _ _ / __| ||_| _ _| | | | _ ____ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | || | _ \| | | |\ \/ / | |_| | |__| || | | | | |_| |/ \ | ___\____|_||_|_| |_|\____|\_/\_/ | | |_| For further information check: http://www.uclinux.org/ Patch for ARM7-S3C4510 from http://www.dailzh.com/ Execution Finished, Exiting Sash command shell (version 1.1.1) />
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