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2007-04-10 00:20:36 打赏

Job: Embedded Systems Engineer (CPE)
Job Description:

As a current products engineering (CPE) embedded software design engineer, you will be part of an exciting start up team developing, testing, and delivering products for Hewlett-Packard's world-renowned LaserJet brand. These engineering positions are members of the LaserJet Business Shanghai R &D team who will investigate, define, design, develop, validate and integrate a wide range of systems and embedded software solutions and drivers for the LaserJet product line.

You will be responsible for the design, development, maintenance, testing, and quality and performance assurance of embedded and system software products. You will make changes to these embedded and PC software systems to correct errors in the original implementation and create extensions to existing programs to add new features or performance improvements. Additionally, innovation is key as you design and develop major functional and performance enhancements for existing products and to produce new software products and tools. You will review requirements, specifications, and designs to assure product quality and will develop and implement plans and tests to ensure product quality and performance assurance.

Specific Job Responsibilities:

- These development positions will include a wide range of SW and/or embedded SW development and defect debug and resolution responsibilities.

- Position will require familiarity and design knowledge of industry current concepts related to development SCMS, Version Control, system build and integration techniques, complex use of development tools,scripts, and automated build systems.

- Position responsibilities include using exceptional teamwork and coordination skills to drive the development team, in most cases, located in several different geographies, to final build and integration dates and milestones.

- Position responsibilities include primary point of contact between test organizations and development team during release milestone handoff points.

- Position assumes knowledge of Linux-based cross development tool chains and related development environments.

- Position will require development knowledge sufficient to diagnose, isolate, debug, and resolve defects in the SW/FW system.


B.S. or M.S. in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Math, Physics, or related scientific fields

Required Experience Includes:

- Demonstrated programming experience with C, C++.

- Demonstrated experience working on Linux-based embedded cross development tool chains for target embedded processors (ARM, MIPS, ColdFire or others).

- Demonstrated experience in the architecture and design of complex PC and/or embedded software systems.

- Demonstrated experience in using structured SW development methodologies.

- Understanding of defect tracking systems, working closely with Test group to develop robust high-quality code.

- 2-5+ years applicable experience.

- (Optional): Candidates with programming experience using Shellscriptand Perlscriptwill be given additional consideration for key lead roles in development environment architectures and support.

Desired (any or all):

- 5 or more years applicable experience. Compensation will be determined based upon experience.

- Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering / Computer Science or related engineering fields.

Personal Qualifications:

- Must be capable of working well in a team environment with a minimum of supervision.

- Must be able to work in a dynamic changing environment, seeking out the energy associated with startup operations.

- Ability to multi-task and handle a large number of tasks at once.

- Passion for our customers and a commitment to high quality.

- Must have excellent written and oral communications skills.

- English as a primary or second language.

- Must pass China standard HP health examination and check (please consult HP HR staffing representative with any questions to this criteria).



输入job代码:126024 或 126025 进行搜索。


[align=right][color=#000066][此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-9 16:27:39编辑过][/color][/align]

关键词: 公告 嵌入式 工程师 上海 development

2007-04-10 01:00:00 打赏

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