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2007-10-10 17:38:40 打赏






  Add simple disable function to a panoramic-potentiometer circuit

  Improved control circuit places monaural image in a stereo field.

  Lawrence Mayes, Malvern, United Kingdom; Edited by Brad Thompson and Fran Granville -- EDN, 2/15/2007

  In audio-mixing applications, one frequently required function involves mixing a monaural or single-channel source
into a stereo-sound field. Audio engineers refer to a panoramic-potentiometer circuit as a circuit that generates left and right signals of correct amplitudes from a monaural signal and places the signal's image anywhere in a stereo-sound field. For the image's loudness to appear independent of its final position, the derived left and right signals must add to produce a constant-power signal rather than a constant-voltage signal.

  The widely used circuit in Figure 1 performs this function by dividing the monaural signal between the two stereo channels and varying each channel's gain between zero and M such that at R7's centered position, each channel's gain is 0.707M. If you calculate component values to achieve these conditions, then the circuit presents the remarkable property that, for all positions of R7's wiper, the sum of the powers in the left and right channels is constant to within 0.19 dB.

 You can use a DPDT switch, S1, to bypass the circuit and thus remove it from the audio chain (Figure 2). As an
alternative, you can add two resistors and use an SPST switch to disable or enable the circuit. The circuit in Figure 3 presents the same gain characteristics as in Figure 1. Closing switch S1 enables the panoramic-potentiometer function, and opening the switch produces a fixed central-sound image. Additionally, from a practical viewpoint, the circuit of Figure 3 simplifies wiring and introduces no significant switching transient because enabling the panoramic-potentiometer function involves only grounding R7's wiper. Even when you use preferred-value components and disregard component tolerances, the circuit introduces a maximum gain error of only 0.21 dB.

关键词: 何为 全景 电位计 电路 增加 简单 禁止 功能

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