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vxworks code error,thanks

2007-12-13 09:21:13 打赏

LOCAL AT91S_MciDeviceFeatures MCI_Device_Features;
LOCAL AT91S_MciDeviceDesc MCI_Device_Desc;
LOCAL AT91S_MciDevice * pMCI_Device=0;

/* SDCard Device Descriptor Structure Definition */
typedef struct _AT91S_MciDeviceDesc
volatile unsigned int state;
unsigned int SDCard_bus_width;

} AT91S_MciDeviceDesc, *AT91PS_MciDeviceDesc;

/* MMC & SDCard Structure Device Features */
typedef struct _AT91S_MciDeviceFeatures
unsigned int Card_Inserted; /* (0=AT91C_CARD_REMOVED) (1=AT91C_MMC_CARD_INSERTED) (2=AT91C_SD_CARD_INSERTED)*/
unsigned int Relative_Card_Address; /* RCA*/
unsigned int Max_Read_DataBlock_Length; /* 2^(READ_BL_LEN) in CSD */
unsigned int Max_Write_DataBlock_Length; /* 2^(WRITE_BL_LEN) in CSD*/
unsigned int Read_Partial; /* READ_BL_PARTIAL*/
unsigned int Write_Partial; /* WRITE_BL_PARTIAL*/
unsigned int Erase_Block_Enable; /* ERASE_BLK_EN*/
unsigned int Read_Block_Misalignment; /* READ_BLK_MISALIGN*/
unsigned int Write_Block_Misalignment; /* WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN*/
unsigned int Sector_Size; /* SECTOR_SIZE*/
unsigned int Memory_Capacity; /* Size in bits of the device*/

} AT91S_MciDeviceFeatures, *AT91PS_MciDeviceFeatures ;

/* MCI Device Structure Definition */
typedef struct _AT91S_MciDevice
BLK_DEV blkDev;
int drive;
int blkOffset ;
AT91PS_MciDeviceDesc pMCI_DeviceDesc; /* MCI device descriptor*/
AT91PS_MciDeviceFeatures pMCI_DeviceFeatures;/* Pointer on a MCI device features array */
}AT91S_MciDevice, *AT91PS_MciDevice;

void AT91F_CfgDevice(AT91PS_MciDevice pmmcDev)
/* Init Device Structure*/

MCI_Device_Features.Relative_Card_Address = 0;
MCI_Device_Features.Card_Inserted = AT91C_CARD_REMOVED;
MCI_Device_Features.Max_Read_DataBlock_Length = 0;
MCI_Device_Features.Max_Write_DataBlock_Length = 0;
MCI_Device_Features.Read_Partial = 0;
MCI_Device_Features.Write_Partial = 0;
MCI_Device_Features.Erase_Block_Enable = 0;
MCI_Device_Features.Sector_Size = 0;
MCI_Device_Features.Memory_Capacity = 0;

MCI_Device_Desc.state = AT91C_MCI_IDLE;
MCI_Device_Desc.SDCard_bus_width = AT91C_MCI_SCDBUS;

/* Init AT91S_DataFlash Global Structure, by default AT45DB choosen !!!*/
pmmcDev->pMCI_DeviceDesc = &MCI_Device_Desc;
pmmcDev->pMCI_DeviceFeatures = &MCI_Device_Features;


void mmcDevCreate(void)
AT91PS_MciDevice pmmcDev;

if ((pmmcDev = (AT91PS_MciDevice )calloc(sizeof (AT91PS_MciDevice), 1)) == NULL)
return (NULL);
pMCI_Device = pmmcDev;


pmmcDev->pMCI_DeviceDesc = &MCI_Device_Desc;
pmmcDev->pMCI_DeviceFeatures = &MCI_Device_Features;
Data abort
Exception address: 0x20013fe8
Current Processor Status Register: 0x20000013

trcStack aborted: error in top frame
shell restarted.


关键词: vxworks error thanks AT91

2007-12-24 16:17:08 打赏
从报出的异常信息(数据访问错误 )来看,出错应该是这样来由的:程序指令中要求向一个地址发起某种传输(不同位宽的读、写),结果CPU无法完成此操作,于是产生内部异常,PC指针被移到数据异常处理入口,数据异常处理程序于是打印出该信息
1. 你程序中的数据访问方式不合法(CPU无法发起给定位宽向给定地址的读/写传输)。
2. 访问地址不合法(地址不存在或者是MMU表中无法寻找到,如果有MMU的话)。


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