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Laser radiation hazards

2009-03-17 17:12:57 打赏
Laser radiation hazards


Laser radiation predominantly causes injury via thermal effects. Even moderately powered lasers can cause injury to the eye. High power lasers can also burn the skin. Some lasers are so powerful that even thediffuse reflectionfrom a surface can be hazardous to the eye.

Diagram of a human eye.

Thecoherence, the low divergence angle of laser light and the focusing mechanism of the eye means that laser light can be concentrated into an extremely small spot on theretina. A transient increase of only 10°Ccan destroy retinalphotoreceptors. If the laser is sufficiently powerful, permanent damage can occur within a fraction of a second, faster than the blink of an eye. Sufficiently powerful visible to near infrared laser radiation (400-1400nm) will penetrate the eyeball and may cause heating of the retina, whereas exposure to laser radiation with wavelengths less than 400 nm and greater than 1400 nm are largely absorbed by the cornea and lens, leading to the development ofcataractsorburninjuries.[1]

Infrared lasers are particularly hazardous, since the body's protective "blink reflex" response is triggered only by visible light. For example, some people exposed to high power Nd:YAG laser emitting invisible 1064 nm radiation, may not feel pain or notice immediate damage to their eyesight. A pop or click noise emanating from the eyeball may be the only indication that retinal damage has occurred i.e. the retina was heated to over 100°Cresulting in localized explosiveboilingaccompanied by the immediate creation of a permanentblind spot.[2]

[ edit] Damage mechanisms

Lasers can cause damage in biological tissues, both to the eye and to the skin, due to several mechanisms.[3]Thermal damage, orburn, occurs when tissues are heated to the point wheredenaturationof proteins occurs. Another mechanism isphotochemicaldamage, where light triggers chemical reactions in tissue. Photochemical damage occurs mostly with short-wavelength (blue) andultra-violetlight and can be accumulated over the course of hours. Laser pulses shorter than about 1 μs can cause a rapid raise in temperature, resulting in explosive boiling of water. The shock wave from the explosion can subsequently cause damage relatively far away from the point of impact.Ultrashort pulsescan also exhibitself-focusingin the transparent parts of the eye, leading to an increase of the damage potential compared to longer pulses with the same energy.

The eye focuses visible and near-infrared light onto the retina. A laser beam can be focused to an intensity on the retina which may be up to 2×105times higher than at the point where the laser beam enters the eye. Most of the light is absorbed bymelaminepigments in thepigment epitheliumjust behind the photoreceptors,[3]and causes burns in the retina. Ultraviolet light with wavelengths shorter than 400 nm tends to be absorbed in thecorneaandlens, where it can produce injuries at relatively low powers due to photochemical damage. Infrared light mainly causes thermal damage to the retina at near-infrared wavelengths and to more frontal parts of the eye at longer wavelengths. The table below summarizes the various medical conditions caused by lasers at different wavelengths, not including injuries due to pulsed lasers.

Wavelength range pathological effect
180–315 nm (UV-B, UV-C) photokeratitis(inflammation of the cornea, equivalent to sunburn)
315–400 nm (UV-A) photochemicalcataract(clouding of the eye lens)
400–780 nm (visible) photochemical damage to the retina, retinal burn
780–1400 nm (near-IR) cataract, retinal burn
1.4–3.0μm (IR) aqueous flare(protein in theaqueous humour), cataract, corneal burn
3.0 μm–1 mm corneal burn

The skin is usually much less sensitive to laser light than the eye, but excessive exposure to ultraviolet light from any source (laser or non-laser) can cause short- and long-term effects similar tosunburn, while visible and infrared wavelengths are mainly harmful due to thermal damage.[3]

[ edit] Lasers and aviation safety Main article: Lasers and aviation safety

Since 1990 there have been 400 incidents of lasers directed at aircraft within theUnited States. These concerns have led to an inquiry in the UScongress.[4]Exposure to hand-held laser light under such circumstances may seem trivial given the brevity of exposure, the large distances involved and beam spread of up to several metres. However, laser exposure may create dangerous conditions such as flash blindness. If this occurs during a critical moment in aircraft operation, the aircraft may be endangered. In addition, some 18% to 35% of the population possess theautosomal dominantgenetictrait,photic sneeze,[5]that causes the affected individual to experience an involuntary sneezing fit when exposed to a sudden flash of light. Some observers believe that the danger is greatly exaggerated, at least for small hand-held lasers.[6]

[ edit] Maximum permissible exposure Maximum permissible exposure (MPE) at the cornea for a collimated laser beam according to IEC 60825, as energy density versus exposure time for various wavelengths. MPE as power density versus exposure time for various wavelengths. MPE as energy density versus wavelength for various exposure times (pulse durations).

Themaximum permissible exposure(MPE) is the highest power or energy density (in W/cm2or J/cm2) of a light source that is considered safe, i.e. that has a negligible probability for creating adamage. It is usually about 10% of the dose that has a 50% chance of creating damage[7]under worst-case conditions. The MPE is measured at the cornea of the human eye or at the skin, for a given wavelength and exposure time.

A calculation of the MPE for occular exposure takes into account the various ways light can act upon the eye. For example, deep-ultraviolet light causes accumulating damage, even at very low powers.Infraredlight with a wavelength longer than about 1400 nm is absorbed by the transparent parts of the eye before it reaches the retina, which means that the MPE for these wavelengths is higher than for visible light. In addition to the wavelength and exposure time, the MPE takes into account the spatial distribution of the light (from a laser or otherwise). Collimated laser beams of visible and near-infrared light are especially dangerous at relatively low powers because the lens focuses the light onto a tiny spot on the retina. Light sources with a smaller degree ofspatial coherencethan a well-collimated laser beam lead to a distribution of the light over a larger area on the retina. For such sources, the MPE is higher than for collimated laser beams. In the MPE calculation, the worst-case scenario is assumed, in which the eye lens focuses the light into the smallest possible spot size on the retina for the particular wavelength and thepupilis fully open. Although the MPE is specified as power or energy per unit surface, it is based on the power or energy that can pass through a fully open pupil (0.39 cm2) for visible and near-infrared wavelengths. This is relevant for laser beams that have a cross-section smaller than 0.39 cm2. The IEC-60825-1 and ANSI Z136.1 standards include methods of calculating MPEs.

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