电子产品世界» 论坛首页» 嵌入式开发» FPGA» 求synplify综合报告某警告的含义

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2010-04-10 09:30:06 打赏
用synplify综合时产生了如下警告: @W : FX474 |User specified initial value found in some of the sequential elements in the design. Applying an initial value to a register may not deliver the best synthesis results. For example, registers with initial values may be preserved and retiming/pipelining may not be performed. To improve synthesis results you may want to remove the register initialization from the RTL code
没太看明白,请高手指点下: User specified initial value found in some of the sequential elements in the design是个什么情况?可否举个例说明一下?谢谢

关键词: synplify 综合 报告 警告 含义

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