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【应用手册】Multioutput Scalar Reference Design

2012-04-29 17:21:22 打赏
【应用手册】Multioutput Scalar Reference Design
This application note describes the Altera® Multioutput Scaler Reference Design.
Scaling an input video stream to multiple output resolutions is common in many
video conferencing and studio multiviewer products. Dedicating a full scaling engine,
such as the Altera Scaler II MegaCore® function, to each output resolution can lead to
inefficient solutions, because the design can share the video line buffers that each IP
core require across all the scaling engines. Depending on the output resolutions, the
design may time-division multiplex the algorithmic IP core of a single scaling engine
to produce multiple output resolutions.

关键词: 应用 手册 Multioutput Scalar

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