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【应用笔记】Nios II系统概述(Profiling Nios II Systems)

2012-05-26 15:07:14 打赏
【应用笔记】Nios II系统概述(Profiling Nios II Systems)
本应用笔记描述使用GNU profiler(nios2-elf-gprof)衡量Nios II系统性能的方法。
This application note describes the methods to measure the performance of a Nios® II
system with the GNU profiler (nios2-elf-gprof), the performance counter component,
and the timestamp interval timer component. This application note also includes two
tutorials to measure performance in the Altera® Nios II Software Build Tools (SBT)
development flow.

关键词: 应用 笔记 系统 概述 Profiling Sys

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