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职位类别: 260 发布日期: 2008-09-22
工作地点: 上海 工作经验: 3-5年
最低学历: 大专 招聘人数: 1人
职位月薪: 0 工作性质: 全职
1 、负责公司影视制作设备和技术的整理规划和实施;
2 、建立并执行影视设备的规范管理体系;
3 、对各影视制作员工实施设备使用和相关技术培训;
1 、大专以上,3年以上影视制作领域设备或技术管理经验;
2 、熟悉各类影视制作设备和相关技术,包括各类编辑机、配音、配乐工作站等;
3 、有一定的IT基础,熟悉网络硬件搭建;
4 、沟通协调能力佳。
1、 每月8小时的弹性工时(用于抵扣迟到、早退、事假等);
2、 每天1530分下午茶或咖啡。




五洲电视是以传统电视和新媒体产业结合为核心商业模式的专业影视制作和服务机构。多年来,五洲电视与国内主流电视台合作,打造娱乐、人物、法制、军事、艺术、地理等大型电视节目,收视覆盖超过3亿人群,财务状况十分稳健,连年获得盈利,近期又获I-World Media等多家国际资本注资。根据整体战略部署,公司总部于2008年迁移上海,旗下电视节目正向美洲、东南亚、欧洲等地的电视台进行合作拓展,建立覆盖全球的收视网络,同时立足于国内庞大的传统电视市场。公司拥有国家广电总局分别颁发的《互联网传播视听节目许可证》和《广播电视节目制作许可证》,近期公司对旗下cnitv.com进行全新整合和改版,建立海外镜像站点,同时公司还专业从事3G全球视频服务,结合商业模式创新,力求打造集传统电视制作与网络新媒体传播为一体的、中国最强的影视制作现代化生产流水线基地。

Wuzhou TV is a large company which focuses on producing TV programs and providing related services, with a business model combining traditional television and new media industries. During the past many years, Wuzhou TV has been cooperating with China’s mainstream television stations to launch large TV programs covering a variety of fields including entertainment, people, law, army, art and geography, with their audiences reaching more than 300 million people. The company, which is profitable in many conservative years, has gained a sound financial status and recently, it received capital injection from several international investment giants including I-World Media. The company moved its headquarters to Shanghai in 2008 in line with its overall strategy. Wuzhou TV is expanding the coverage of its TV programs to TV stations in Southeast Asia, America and Europe, establishing a global network which is mainly based on China’s huge traditional TV market. The company owns two licenses, namely, the “License on Transmitting Audio & Video Programs on Internet”, and the “License on Making Film & TV Programs”, both issued by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT). Wuzhou TV has also established a broadband web site (www.cnitv.com), the first one of its kind in China, to offer online video on demand (VOD) services to Internet users. The construction of a new version of the web site is underway and several overseas mirror sites will be established. The company will also launch a professional global 3G service platform to serve mobile phone subscribers. Overall, Wuzhou TV aims to establish the strongest streamlined film & TV production base in China, integrating traditional TV-making and Internet- transmitting services into a totally innovative business model.

Wuzhou TV sticks to the “Talents First” philosophy and sincerely welcomes outstanding talents in the film & TV industries from China and overseas, in

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