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TA0034 RF2104: Low Cost, Low Voltage Power Amplifier for ISM Applications

RF Micro Devices introduces a new low cost, low voltage power amplifier manufactured in an advanced Silicon bipolar technology. The power amplifier operates from 400MHz up to 1GHz and delivers 0.5W at 3.6V with a gain of 21dB. The analog gain control provides 40dB of range. This power amplifier is intended for cost-sensitive applications, such as the final output stage for a 900MHz ISM band cordless phone or as a driver for 400MHz mobile phones. The device operates from a single 3.6V power supply without the need for a negative voltage. The on-board gain control also doubles as Power Down control, and the device draws less than 10 A of supply current when in the power down mode, eliminating the ne
标签: 适于应用的低成本低电压功率放大器
