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Design a PIFA with fold-type ground plane for dual frequency mobile phoneDESIGN A PIFA WITH FOLD-TYPE GROUND PLANE FOR DUAL FREQUENCY MOBILE PHONE
Bo-Tao Jiang, Jun-Fa Mao, and Liang Jiang Department of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University of China CMRFT, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 200240; Corresponding author: charlie2005@sjtu.edu.cn and jfmao@sjtu.edu.cn Received 11 January 2008 ABSTRACT: This article discusses results from a comprehensive investigation into the performance of two ground planes with various angle and ratio. Results from numerical simulations and measurements on prototype hardware are presented to show the inuence of angle and ratio on resonant frequency, bandwidth, return loss of centre frequency, gain, and radiation patterns. A fold-type mobile phone was designed, and TRP and TIS of it satisfy the CTIA certication.
标签: Designfold-typegroundplanefrequencymobilephone
