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基于FPGA的IP camera高清网络摄像机参考设计

wp-01133-ip-cameraBuilding an IP Surveillance Camera System with a Low-Cost FPGA
WP-01133-1.0 White Paper

Current market trends in video surveillance present a number of challenges to be addressed, including the move from analog to digital cameras, conversion to high-definition (HD) video, adoption of Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) sensors, and Internet Protocol (IP) connectivity for control and data streams. This white paper describes the IP Surveillance Camera Reference Design and shows how the entire system is built using a low-cost Altera Cyclone III FPGA.

In the video surveillance marketplace, the need for higher quality video, higher resolution, and more flexibility and features is driving the change from analog to digital cameras. By definition, high-definition (HD) video must be digital, so
标签: wp-01133-ip-camera
基于FPGA的IP camera高清网络摄像机参考设计
