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Injection Molding Design Guide...

Injection Mold Design GuidelinesSPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

Injection Mold Design

FOURTH IN A SERIES: Nomenclature

Maximizing Performance Using Copper Alloys
Nomenclature for the types of molds is somewhat diverse but usually follows an order describing the type of runner system, mold action and ejection method used. A mold is considered a standard mold when it has a conventional runner system, the part is pulled without any action and the mold only has an opening at the parting line. Occasionally we hear the term two-plate applied to this type of conventional mold. This is not necessarily a correct description and perhaps is only used to differentiate it from a three-plate mold. A three-plate mold has the runner system installed between a separate parting line and the parts are gated with a pin point gate.
标签: InjectionDesignGuidelines
Injection Molding Design Guide...
