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Electromagnetic radiation and biological effectsElectromagnetic Radiation and Biological Effects
A. Kumar
AK Electromagnetique Inc. 30 Rue Lippee Les Coteaux Quebec Canada J7X lH5

Abstract: A review on biologicaleffects of low power radiation on
humans and animals is presented. Effects of electromagnetic coupling between the cellularIPCS phone antenna and the hum& head model have been described. Theoretical plots of the near-field patterns are shown for the human brain. An Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones (IEGMP) of the U. K. discourages the use of mobile phones by children.

destroy bad cells. Experimental data shows that the immune system and production of bad cells varies from humadanimal to human/animal.

evidence Of DNA strand breakage
In 1994, Sarkar et a1 [l] investigated the effect on DNA of exposures accepted a safe b
