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1dB 压缩点详解

1dB Compression PointSheet 1 of 17

Linearity Active RF devices are ultimately non-linear in operation. When driven with a large enough RF signal the device will generate undesirable spurious signals. How much spurious generated by the device is dependant on the linearity of the device. If an amplifier is driven hard enough the output power will begin to roll off resulting in a drop of gain known as gain compression. The measurement of gain compression is given by the 1dB gain compression point. 1dB Compression Point This parameter in another measure of the linearity of a device and is defined as the input power that causes a 1dB drop in the linear gain due to device saturation. An example of the 1dB compression point is shown in figure 2.


Saturated Output Power 21dBm


1dB Compression Point 20dBm

标签: CompressionPoint
1dB 压缩点详解
