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Influences in GPS signal reception on GPS-enabled systemsJCOMM GPS Module
(rev 1.0)

GPS System Design Guide

Copyright 2007 JCOMM & MAXRISE Technology. All right reserved.


Influences in GPS signal reception on GPS-enabled systems
1. Switching regulators A. Frequencies used in high electrical current consumption ( over 1A ) are usually 300KHz, but 800KHz or 1.2MHz are used in medium electrical current consumption (100mA~300mA) to give better current efficiency. B. Under this current circumstance, switching signals generate 2nd, 3rd,…high degrees of multiple high frequencies which sometimes generate 1310 times of frequency of 1.2MHz, namely 1572MHz. C. When it operates based on 1.2026107MHz, this frequency may be coupled with related temperatures, R or C values, thus generating 1575.42MHz frequency. Consequently, this kind of generated freq
