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Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Digital Storage OscilloscopeDigital Storage Oscilloscope
Thomas Grocutt
April 2000

I would like to thank my project supervisor Milos Kolar for his time, help, and encouragement, Philip Cupitt for his previous work and for proving the basic concepts, and the technical staff in the engineering department, particularly Ian Hutchinson and Anthony McFarlane. I would also like to thank the programming team that created MS Office 97, for making the writing of this report so… challenging.


The objective was to design and build a low cost, high performance, dual channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO). Costs were minimised compared to conventional, commercial DSO’s by utilising a personal computer to provide both the display functions and the majority of the control functions. The remaining c
标签: DigitalStorageOscilloscope
Digital Storage Oscilloscope
