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Wireless Networked Sensors Int...

Wireless Networked Sensors Introduction and ApplicationsWireless Networked Sensors
Introduction and Applications
Mikhail Nesterenko

In this presentation I used the material from a presentation by David Culler, USB http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~culler/talks/mobihoc.ppt, http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~culler/cs294-f03/slides/awoo_oct_2nd_2003.ppt Kwong-Don Kang, SUNY, Binghamton www.cs.binghamton.edu/~kang/teaching/cs580s/taming-bvr.ppt

Reading List
Deepak Ganesan, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Alec Woo, David Culler, Deborah Estrin and Stephen Wicker, Complex Behavior at Scale: An Experimental Study of Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks , UCLA Computer Science Technical Report UCLA/CSD-TR 02-0013 A. Woo and D. Culler. Taming the Underlying Challenges of Reliable Multihop Routing in Sensor Networks. In Proc. of the 1st ACM Conf. on Embedded Networked
Wireless Networked Sensors Int...
