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Patch Antenna Design Using Ans...

Patch Antenna Design Using Ansoft DesignerPatch Antenna Design Using Ansoft Designer

Tony Donisi Ansoft Corporation

Slide 1

Goal: To introduce a more effective and streamlined design flow for systems with patch antennas that leverage Parameterization, Solver-OnDemand and Co-Simulation

Overview Single Patch Element Design Linear Patch Array Corporate Fed Patch Array System and Circuit Integration Conclusion

Slide 2

Designer Capability Overview
Designer can accurately simulate very large structures, quickly!
SVD fastsolve Low memory requirements

Geometries can be drawn or imported
User friendly GUI Dxf, iges, and popular geometry imports Ansoft Links for Allegro and other CAD tools

Full Parameterization Solver on Demand
The ability of designer that lets the user decide which solver to use on an element by elem
标签: PatchAntennaDesignUsingAnsoftDesigner
Patch Antenna Design Using Ans...
