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The effect of ESR on DC/DC pow...

converterThe effect of ESR on DC/DC power converter
Stanley Chen

The capacitors, inductors, and resistors in circuit analysis have ideal properties. Capacitors and inductors follow precise derivative relationships. In the real world, components do not follow such simple models. The non-ideal behavior of energy storage components is very important in the context of power electronics. This article is to discuss the effect of capacitor’s ESR (Equivalent series Resistor) characteristics on DC/DC power converter. And now, capacitors shall be presenting first.

Capacitors- Principles and Equivalent Circuits

Figure 1. The basic parallel-plate capacitor geometry[1] Capacitor devices come in many forms, but nearly all of them are composed of conducting plates or films, also separated by an in
标签: converter
The effect of ESR on DC/DC pow...
