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首页> 分享下载> 嵌入式系统> 在TMS320C62x DSP器件上为CDMA2000透平编码加一个MAP编码器

在TMS320C62x DSP器件上为CDMA2000透平编码加一个MAP编码器

This document describes how to implement a maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoding
algorithm for wireless turbo codes on a TMS320C62xE digital signal processing (DSP)
device. The max-log-MAP approximation of the algorithm is implemented for an 8-state code
example, such as the one recommended in the cdma2000E standard.
标签: TMS320C62xASPMAP
在TMS320C62x DSP器件上为CDMA2000透平编码加一个MAP编码器
