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  As an industry leader in MEMs based accelerometers and Digital Signal Processors, ADI is in the unique position to offer designer’s whole solutions to some difficult signal chains. The ADXL family is the industry standard in automotive air bag systems, this technology has evolved to produce a variety of state of the art sensors. Customers will continue to benefit from ADI’s innovation in this area.
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AD9515 - 1.6 GHz Clock Distribution IC, Dividers, Delay Adjust, Two Outputs


The AD9515 features a two-output clock distribution IC in a design that emphasizes low jitter and phase
noise to maximize data converter performance. Other applications with demanding phase noise and jitter
requirements also benefit from this part.

There are two independent clock outputs. One output is LVPECL, while the other output can be set to
either LVDS or CMOS levels. The LVPECL output operates to 1.6 GHz. The other output operates to 800
MHz in LVDS mode and to 250 MHz in CMOS mode.

Each output has a programmable divider that can be set to divide by a selected set of integ
