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RF MEMS振荡器介绍

RF MEMS振荡器介绍
Vibrating RF MEMS for Timing and Frequency References
Wan-Thai Hsu

Discera, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, U.S.A.

Abstract ― This paper presents recent progresses on making vibrations, and magnetic field. But regardless the resonators and
vibrating RF MEMS oscillators for timing and frequency the excitations mechanism, for oscillator applications, the
reference applications. Starting from the performance resonator should be excited to a specific mode with highest
requirements of an oscillator in various systems, the key aspects
of MEMS oscillators, including resonator design, oscillator quality factor, lowest motional imped
标签: VibratingRFMEMSFrequencyReferenceCMOSFBAR
RF MEMS振荡器介绍


oo2825· 2009-11-24 10:27:54