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首页> 分享下载> 无线/通信> Wireless Multifunction Digital Storage Center

Wireless Multifunction Digital Storage Center

Wireless Multifunction Digital Storage Center
Nios II Embedded Processor Design Contest―Outstanding Designs 2005

Third Prize

Wireless Multifunction Digital Storage

Institution: Beijing University of Industry

Participants: Chen Zhuo, Dai Nan, and Fang Dongyu

Instructor: Xu Xiangdong

Design Introduction
With the ever increasing use of data-transmission networks, data is increasing in geometric progression,
and the traditional storage network architecture cannot cope. To deal with the massive amounts of data,
data storage architecture is evolving to centralize data and features expandability, adaptability and
reliability. This evolution now serves large enterprises and system management enterprises (SMEs).
Interestingly, studies now show that many customers set aside a significant amount of
标签: AlteraNetworking
Wireless Multifunction Digital Storage Center
