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首页> 分享下载> 工业控制> 060.NXP Nexperia IP Camera reference designf or security and surveillance applications

060.NXP Nexperia IP Camera reference designf or security and surveillance applications

NXP Nexperia IP Camera reference designf or security and surveillance applications
Nexperia IP Camera
Reference Design for
security and surveillance

Customizable hardware and software for
network-based security cameras
Network-based ‘IP’ security cameras combine traditional still image and video capture
with digital video processing and networking features, offering more robust functionality
than their analog predecessors. Installed quickly and easily, IP cameras give security
professionals access to surveillance data from virtually anywhere, at anytime.

Key features T
标签: NXP安全监控
060.NXP Nexperia IP Camera reference designf or security and surveillance applications
