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首页> 分享下载> 嵌入式系统> 089.DVB-T/H Channel decoder TDA10048HN

089.DVB-T/H Channel decoder TDA10048HN

DVB-T/H Channel decoder TDA10048HN

NXP’s DVB-T / H channel
decoder TDA10048HN

Breakthrough in integration
and power reduction
NXP Semiconductors, the world leading company for COFDM demodulators, introduces its latest
generation, the TDA10048HN. Combined with NXP Silicon Tuners TDA8275A or TDA18271/
TDA18211, it provides a break through in integration, and power reduction. Demonstrating NXP’s
continuing leadership in digital broadcast reception, it brings advanced features that both facilitate
its integration into final products, and increase the end-user satisfaction.

Key applications Easy to design-in and use
Set-top boxes for digital terrestrial tele
标签: NXP消费电子
089.DVB-T/H Channel decoder TDA10048HN
