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110.LPC7xx leaflet

LPC7xx leaflet
NXP 80C51-based
microcontrollers LPC7xx

Accelerated 8-bit MCUs in 14, 16 and
20-pin packages offer high integration
Operating at twice the rate of standard 80C51 devices, these microcontrollers are ideal for use in
systems that require low voltage, high integration, and low cost. They deliver high performance,
low power consumption, and a wide range of advanced peripherals.

Key features Applications
4 Accelerated 80C51 CPU 4 Systems that require low voltage, high integration, and low
4 Up to 8 KB OTP memory cost
4 128 bytes of Data RAM
4 2.7 to 5.5 V oper
标签: NXP单片机
110.LPC7xx leaflet
