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首页> 分享下载> 消费类电子> 127.NXP Nexperia SD H.264/VC-1 STB development kit STB222

127.NXP Nexperia SD H.264/VC-1 STB development kit STB222

NXP Nexperia SD H.264/VC-1 STB development kit STB222
NXP Nexperia SD H264/
VC-1 STB development kit

Create affordable IP, DTV and hybrid set-top
boxes with highest picture quality

Supporting the latest advanced video standards, the STB222 development kit gives you a
simple route to create unique IP, DTV, and hybrid set-top boxes (STBs) at a sensible price-point

Key features Key benefits
Nexperia multi-format Dual SD source decoder PNX8932 Economical STB system delivering advanced video format
-p owerful 320 MHz MIPS CPU for operating systems support for IP, DTV and hybrid ST
127.NXP Nexperia SD H.264/VC-1 STB development kit STB222
