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原标题:Murata's Ceramic Capacitor Serves Next Series of Power Electronics
主要内容: 在环境保护的大趋势下,村田制作所发展了EVC系列单片多层陶瓷电容器,其主要应用领域为电力电子应用。本文对多类型电容进行了图表式对比,应用系统框图,以及典型应用框图,包括滤波及阻尼器的应用。
Murata’s Ceramic Capacitor Serves
Next Series of Power Electronics

here is growing concern about
environmental issues these days.
In the automotive industry, for
example, there has been a fo-
cused effort towards developing the hy-
brid electric vehicle (HEV) and electric
vehicle (EV). In the meantime, more func-
tions are being operated by electronics
while the technology trend for in-vehicle
electronics has changed significantly.
Specifically, the development of advanced Fig. 2: Heat generation comparison of various capacitors
power electronics technology, starting with
HEV and EV drive motor control invert- potentially make large improvements to
ers, is
