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首页> 分享下载> 嵌入式系统> Determining the Mission Parameters for Temperature Logger iButton® Devices

Determining the Mission Parameters for Temperature Logger iButton® Devices

Abstract: For many first-time users, setting up a temperature logger for a mission can be a challenging task. This application note explains technical terms common with temperature logger iButtons. Additionally, it presents an algorithm that helps users choose the necessary input parameters, including the appropriate sample rate.
Maxim > Design Support > Technical Documents > Application Notes > iButton > APP 5335
Keywords: temp logger, ibutton, sample rate, rollover, start delay, alarm

Mar 29, 2012

Determining the Mission Parameters for Temperature
Logger iButton Devices
By: Bernhard Linke, Principal Member Technical Staff
Mar 29, 2012

Abstract: For many first-time users, setting up a temperature logger for a mission can be a challenging task. This application note
explains technical terms common with temperature logger iButtons. Additionally, it presents an algorithm that helps users choose the
necessary input parameters, including the appropriate sample rate.

标签: Maximtemploggeributtonsampleraterolloverstartdelayalarm
Determining the Mission Parameters for Temperature Logger iButton® Devices
