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首页> 分享下载> 嵌入式系统> 在ICL7103A / ICL8052A A / D转换器上建立一个数字自动范围DMM

在ICL7103A / ICL8052A A / D转换器上建立一个数字自动范围DMM

Building an Auto-Ranging DMM with the ICL7103A/ICL8052A A/D Converter Pair
Building an Auto-Ranging DMM with the
ICL7103A/ICL8052A A/D Converter Pair
Application Note September 1999 AN028

The development of LSI A/D converters has carved the In effect, the user has available a near perfect system. The
pathway for a new category of low cost, accurate digital key to a successful design depends, almost exclusively, on
panel meters (DPM) and digital multimeters (DMM). The the individual’s ability to prevent adding errors to the system.
ICL7103A and ICL8052A A/D pair represents an excellent
标签: intersilAD转换器
在ICL7103A / ICL8052A A / D转换器上建立一个数字自动范围DMM
