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用ISL9216, ISL9217模拟前端设计多锂离子电池包

Designing Multi-Cell Li-ion Battery Packs Using the ISL9216, ISL9217 Analog Front End

Designing Multi-Cell Li-ion Battery Packs Using
the ISL9216, ISL9217 Analog Front End
Application Note August 31, 2007 AN1336.0

Description Battery Connection
This application note discusses some of the hardware and The ISL9216, ISL9217 supports multiple series connected
software design decisions and shows how to select external Li-ion cells. The bottom three cells of each device (CELL1,
components for a multi-cell, Li-ion battery pack using a
标签: intersil电池包
用ISL9216, ISL9217模拟前端设计多锂离子电池包
