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首页> 分享下载> 嵌入式系统> 恩智浦SoC IP摄像机ASC884x,ASC885x

恩智浦SoC IP摄像机ASC884x,ASC885x

恩智浦SoC IP摄像机ASC884x,ASC885x
NXP SoCs for IP cameras
ASC884x, ASC885x

Integrated solutions for full HD security
IP cameras with H.264 compression
This family of single-chip solutions supports all the required functions of a full HD IP camera.
These products take raw image output from the image sensor, optimize the image, compress
the video, and send it over the network.

Key features Key applications
} Support for up to 12 MPixels raw data } Security IP camera
} Complete image processing } Video conferencing
} Up to 1080p @ 45 fps or D1 @ 270 fps H.264 encoding } Video door p
标签: NXPSoCIPcamaraASC884xASC885x
恩智浦SoC IP摄像机ASC884x,ASC885x
