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首页> 分享下载> 嵌入式系统> 恩智浦PCA967x系列的高速模式Plus(FM +)GPIO

恩智浦PCA967x系列的高速模式Plus(FM +)GPIO

NXP Fast-mode Plus (Fm+)
GPIO family PCA967x

World’s fastest GPIO for I2C-bus
Designed for the Fast-mode Plus version of the I2C-bus, these GPIO provide faster control of slave
devices and enable a higher drive capability. They’re backward compatible with the Fast-mode
and standard I2C-bus protocols, and are ideal for use as LED controllers and switch-input monitors.

Key features 4Wide range of package types: SO, They improve on previous generations
4 8- and 16-bit I/O ports that default to TSSOP, SSOP, QSOP, DHVQFN, of I2C-bus GPIO by supporting higher
inputs on power-up
标签: NXPI2CFast-modePlus(Fm+)
恩智浦PCA967x系列的高速模式Plus(FM +)GPIO
