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使用PIC Timer1在异步时钟模式

This application note discusses the use of the
PIC16CXXX Timer1 module as an asynchronous clock.
The Timer1 module has it own oscillator circuitry, which
allows the timer to keep real-time, even when the
device is in SLEEP mode. When the device is in sleep,
the oscillator will continue to increment TMR1. An over-flow of the TMR1 register causes a TMR1 Overflow
Interrupt (if enabled) and will wake the processor from
sleep. The interrupt service routine can then perform
the desired task.

M Using Timer1 in Asynchronous Clock Mode
In asynchronous operation, if the clock source is an
Author: Mark Palmer external clock, it is input on the T1CKI pin. If the clock
Microchip Technology Inc. source is a crystal oscillator, the crystal is connected
across the T1OSO and T1OSI pins.
INTRODUCTION When using Timer1 in Asynchronous mode, the use of
This application note discusses the use
标签: PICTIMER异步时钟模式
使用PIC Timer1在异步时钟模式
