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TEA1733LT/T的65 W GreenChip PCB设计

TEA1733LT/T的65W GreenChip PCB设计
GreenChip 65 W TEA1733LT/T printer reference board
Rev. 1 ― 17 December 2010 User manual

Document information
Info Content
Keywords Printer adapter, TEA1733LT/T, low standby power, high-efficiency, fixed
frequency flyback, jitter
Abstract This manual provides the specification, schematics and Printed-Circuit
Board (PCB) layout of the 65 W TEA1733LT/T printer reference board.
Refer to application note AN10868 for details on the TEA1733LT/T IC.
NXP Semiconductors UM10421
标签: NXPPrinteradapterTEA1733LTTlowstandbypowerhigh-efficiency
TEA1733LT/T的65 W GreenChip PCB设计
