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首页> 分享下载> 嵌入式系统> 【应用笔记】Nios II硬件抽象层设备驱动开发指南(Guidelines for Developing a Nios II HAL Device Driver)

【应用笔记】Nios II硬件抽象层设备驱动开发指南(Guidelines for Developing a Nios II HAL Device Driver)

【应用笔记】Nios II硬件抽象层设备驱动开发指南(Guidelines for Developing a Nios II HAL Device Driver)
该应用笔记阐述了创建并调试一个硬件抽象层(hardware abstraction layer,HAL)软件设备驱动的过程。
This application note explains the process of creating and debugging a hardware
abstraction layer (HAL) software device driver. An example of a HAL software device
driver, called my_uart_driver, illustrates various software development stages. The
example driver targets the Altera_Avalon_UART device, connected through a
Vectored Interrupt Controller (VIC) to the Nios® II processor.
Guidelines for Developing a Nios II HAL
Device Driver

AN-459-4.0 Application Note

This application note explains the process of creating and debugging a hardware
abstraction layer (HAL) software device driver. An example of a HAL software device
driver, called my_uart_driver, illustrates various software development stages. The
example driver targets the Altera_Avalon_UART device, conn
标签: AlteraFPGANiosIIHALDeviceDriver
【应用笔记】Nios II硬件抽象层设备驱动开发指南(Guidelines for Developing a Nios II HAL Device Driver)
