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infineon 高速1200V IGBT

infineon 高速1200V IGBT
1200V HighSpeed 3 IGBT
A new IGBT family optimized for high-switching speed

1200V HighSpeed 3 IGBT

A new IGBT family optimized for high-switching speed

Application Note

Davide Chiola, IGBT Application Engineering

Holger Hüsken, IGBT Technology development

May, 2010

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Discr et es
1200V HighSpeed 3 IGBT
A new IGBT family optimized for high-switching speed

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Published by
Infineon Technologies AG
81726 Munich, Germany
2010 Infineon Technologies AG
All Rights Reserved.

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标签: infineonIGBT
infineon 高速1200V IGBT
