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首页> 分享下载> 无线/通信> 【应用笔记】波峰因子降低(Crest Factor Reduction)

【应用笔记】波峰因子降低(Crest Factor Reduction)

【应用笔记】波峰因子降低(Crest Factor Reduction)
This application note describes crest factor reduction and an Altera® crest
factor reduction solution.
Crest Factor Reduction

June 2007, Version 1.0 Application Note 396

This application note describes crest factor reduction and an Altera crest
factor reduction solution.

Overview A high peak-to-mean power ratio causes the following effects:

■ In-band distortion:
● High error vector magnitude (EVM)
● Degrades performance at receiver
■ Out-of-band distortion:
● Increased adajcent channel leakage ratio (ACLR)
● Degrade
标签: AlteraFPGACrestFactorReduction
【应用笔记】波峰因子降低(Crest Factor Reduction)
