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首页> 分享下载> 嵌入式系统> 【应用笔记】升级3.1.x版本FIR编译器的设计到3.2.x版本(Upgrading a FIR Compiler v3.1.x Design to v3.2.x)

【应用笔记】升级3.1.x版本FIR编译器的设计到3.2.x版本(Upgrading a FIR Compiler v3.1.x Design to v3.2.x)

【应用笔记】升级3.1.x版本FIR编译器的设计到3.2.x版本(Upgrading a FIR Compiler v3.1.x Design to v3.2.x)
This application note is intended for designers who have an FPGA design
that uses the Altera® FIR Compiler MegaCore® function version 3.1.0 or
earlier and want to upgrade their design to the FIR Compiler version 3.2.0
or later.
Upgrading a FIR Compiler
v3.1.x Design to v3.2.x

May 2005, ver. 1.0 Application Note 387

Introduction This application note is intended for designers who have an FPGA design
that uses the Altera FIR Compiler MegaCore function version 3.1.0 or
earlier and want to upgrade their design to the FIR Compiler version 3.2.0
or later. The changes introduced in the FIR Compiler version 3.2.x affect
the following cases:

■ Throughput for interpolation filters
■ Throug
标签: AlteraFPGAFIRCompilerUpgrade
【应用笔记】升级3.1.x版本FIR编译器的设计到3.2.x版本(Upgrading a FIR Compiler v3.1.x Design to v3.2.x)
