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首页> 分享下载> 嵌入式系统> 【应用笔记】AN341:在Stratix II和Stratix II GX器件中使用设计安全特性(AN 341: Using the Design Security Feature in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices)

【应用笔记】AN341:在Stratix II和Stratix II GX器件中使用设计安全特性(AN 341: Using the Design Security Feature in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices)

【应用笔记】AN341:在Stratix II和Stratix II GX器件中使用设计安全特性(AN 341: Using the Design Security Feature in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices)
In the highly competitive commercial and military environments, design security is
an important consideration for digital designers. As FPGAs start to play a role in
larger and more critical system components, it is imperative to protect designs from
copying, reverse engineering, and tampering. Stratix® II devices are the first FPGAs in
the industry to address thse concerns with the ability to decrypt a configuration
bitstream using the advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithm, an industry
standard encryption algorithm.
AN 341: Using the Design Security
Feature in Stratix II and Stratix II GX
August 2009 AN-341-2.3

In the highly competitive commercial and military environments, design security is
an important consideration for digital designers. As FPGAs start to play a role in
larger and more critical system components, it is imperative to protect designs f
标签: AlteraFPGAStratixIIStratixIIGXdesignsecurity
【应用笔记】AN341:在Stratix II和Stratix II GX器件中使用设计安全特性(AN 341: Using the Design Security Feature in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices)
